Theatrical play and limited series
Adapted from Ethan Morden's "Buddies Cycle"
First thing you need in NYC is a buddy...
“Buddies” tells the stories of a group of friends– gay men living in Manhattan between 1968 and 2005. Weaving together the fabric of these men’s lives, we follow 5 main characters over a 40 year span of time. The same actors play their characters through different time periods, ranging in age from 21 to 60. Their stories are not told in chronological order. We see the characters young in one story, older in the next story. The future, sometimes before the past. Seeing the destiny of characters we embrace and love, before their life story is told.
Mordden’s inspiration for “Buddies” offers what may be the most influential experience of an extraordinary time and place in gay history. His books were some of the first images of a culture defining itself post Stonewall.
Theatrical Play: "Buddies" premiered in 2005 at the Celebration Theater, Los Angeles, California.
Limited Series: An 8-episode event beginning with a 2-hour Pilot followed by seven 60-minute episodes.
Available for TV, film and live theatrical production.