Screenplay treatment
The true story of the romance between the remarkable soldier and his fearless wife.
A romance of controversial legacy. A romance of love, betrayal, tragedy, and war. The journey of a man and a woman. The past and the future. Destiny and salvation.
The story of Orde Wingate– the Christian British soldier who created the Jewish Army, and the story of the great and courageous woman at his side. A Woman caught in War.
British life at the twilight of the empire. Twenty years after his world-famous uncle, T.E. Lawrence, (Lawrence of Arabia) led the Arabs against the Turks; another remarkable man led the Jews against the Arabs.
Orde Wingate. Transformed by Zionism. A haunted hero suffering buried demons that his future will force him to face. Considered a Saint. Considered a Traitor. Considered Mad.
Lorna Wingate Patterson. An outspoken Scottish lass, born to wealthy colonial parents. At the age of sixteen she meets the British army officer, Wingate. Falls in love, marries, and travels the world. Not as an army wife, but a fierce soldier for the man she loves.
Set against extraordinary landscapes. Historical and biblical. Remarkably true and larger-than-life events. Intimate and intense characters confronting life, love, and death. A journey to a time and place of revolt and redemption that would forevermore change the course of history in the Middle East.
The adventure of an astonishing man with a past to confront and a future to conquer. The heroic woman and the romance that would save him. The story of a romance both passionate and unconventional. History, destiny, demons, salvation.
Available for TV, film and live theatrical production.